Cooking with Seitan

Cooking with Seitan

seitan-sweet-and-sourQ We have tried making seitan but almost everytime it comes out rubbery. Do you have any secrets to making a great seitan?


Here are three easy and straighforward tips for cooking with seitan. Follow these and you should be able to create a delicious dish!

  • Try using a blend of gluten flour, whole wheat pastry and unbleached white flour.
  • Water must be purified.
  • In the final step of cooking steam for two hours as opposed to boiling for six hours.


Author: Ann Gentry

Ann Gentry is a chef, restaurateur, food educator and visionary. She opened Real Food Daily in Los Angeles 1993, a totally vegan and organic restaurant that has since spawned another in West Hollywood. Please visit Real Food Daily to find out more about this truly unique restaurant and to learn more about Ann Gentry.

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