How to Cook Brown Rice

How to Cook Brown Rice

cooked-brown-riceHow do I cook brown rice? Mine never turns out nice. I cook great white rice, but brown just seems to either too hard, too soft or not very fluffy.


I love this question and finally someone asked it! Most brown rice recipes I read always call for too much water thus creating the final product as mushy rice which usually turns a dinner guest off.

My rule of thumb for short, medium or long grain rice is one cup dried rice to one and 1/4 cup water. My second tip is bring the water and rice to a boil with a lid on the pot, then turn the flame down to a low simmer and let simmer without opening the lid for 45 minutes. Remove from flame, take off the lid and let the steam escape.

Take a wet rice paddle and run around the sides of the cooked rice loosing it from the sides of the pot. Do not take a fork or spoon and start touching the rice while hot. Often cooks seem to want to do this. This makes the rice become mushy too. My motto: don’t play with your rice. Once it has cooled down, then with a rice paddle scoop and carefully remove rice from the pot to a bowl. If you are adding something else to the rice, fold it in at this point.

Author: Ann Gentry

Ann Gentry is a chef, restaurateur, food educator and visionary. She opened Real Food Daily in Los Angeles 1993, a totally vegan and organic restaurant that has since spawned another in West Hollywood. Please visit Real Food Daily to find out more about this truly unique restaurant and to learn more about Ann Gentry.

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