Instead of White Flour

Instead of White Flour

White bread and brown breadSome recipes call for whole wheat flour and unbleached white flour. I’d rather not use white flour. Can I just substitute more whole wheat for the white flour or is there some other type of flour I should use?


If you are baking cakes, crusts, cookies or muffins, I’d suggest using whole wheat pastry, barley, rice or oat flours. You can use one flour alone preferably the whole wheat pastry or barley flour or the ww pastry and barley make a nice combination or combine either one of them with the rice or oat flour.

Author: Ann Gentry

Ann Gentry is a chef, restaurateur, food educator and visionary. She opened Real Food Daily in Los Angeles 1993, a totally vegan and organic restaurant that has since spawned another in West Hollywood. Please visit Real Food Daily to find out more about this truly unique restaurant and to learn more about Ann Gentry.

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