7 Ways to Stay Healthy Throughout the Year
There’s a good chance one of your personal commitments is to stay healthy. With the craziness of the world, all we can really ask for is health and happiness. And there’s no better time to work on your health—both physically and mentally—than right now. But staying healthy doesn’t have to be complicated.

We’re all aiming to keep our bodies and minds in tip top shape. That means choosing healthier food options, staying safe, focusing on our mental health, and exercising. The food we put in our bodies has a direct effect on our mental and physical health, so it’s important to nourish your body and make sure you’re eating enough and staying active. Here are 7 easy ways to stay healthy throughout the year:
1. Move your body every day
Moving your body doesn’t have to mean doing some extravagant workout and running a 5k, just move your body and get your blood flowing. That can mean going for a walk around the neighborhood with a friend or it can mean doing some yoga when you first wake up. Find a routine that works for you and go from there.
- Get enough sleep
Not getting enough sleep is extremely detrimental to your mental and physical health. You’re going to be less energetic and motivated and more prone to getting sick, which no one wants to be during these times.
Build enough time in your schedule to ensure you get enough sleep. And if you have trouble falling asleep, make a nighttime routine that helps. Doing things like reading before bed, limiting your screen time at night, and using an essential oil diffuser are all things that can help you fall asleep.
- Get new exercise clothing
If you’re looking for a way to motivate yourself to be more active in the new year, start by getting new exercise clothing. It’s going to be hard to put off working out when you have a brand new pair of cross training shoes just sitting in your closet, waiting to be used.

Invest in some good quality workout clothes and shoes and soon enough you’ll find yourself looking forward to working out.
- Treat yourself
After the year we all had, we all deserve to treat ourselves. Treating ourselves comes in all different forms. For some people, it’s saying no to plans and spending a night at home. For other people, it’s eating your favorite meal every Sunday. Just make sure you set some time in your routine to treat yourself.

- Drink more water
If you’re feeling stressed, drink some water. If you’re feeling tired, drink some water. If you’re feeling sick, drink some water. Drinking water is pretty much the cure to all your problems, and chances are, you aren’t drinking enough.
Make it a goal to drink more water this year. If that seems difficult, get yourself a nice water bottle, like a Hydroflask, to keep you motivated.
- Take your vitamins
Make it part of your daily morning routine to take vitamins. Once you build it into your schedule, you’re going to start naturally doing it every day. If you’re struggling with what vitamins to take, a vitamin subscription will give you all the proper nutrients your body needs with one little capsule.
- Nourish your body
It’s crucial to nourish your body with enough food every single day so that you can be your best self. Healthy looks different for everyone, so find a healthy eating routine that works for you. Eat your fruits and veggies. Eat your protein and carbs. Eat nourishing foods that will keep your mind and body at its best possible state.
At the end of the day, we all have our own struggles. Things take time and it’s important to let yourself off easy. Just be sure to rein in your compulsiveness and keep good eating in the forefront of your indulgences.