The Cheesy Vegan

The Cheesy Vegan

cheesyveganfeaturedBy John Schlimm
Review by Melanie Powers

For all of you vegans out there that miss cheese, this cookbook is for you! The Cheesy Vegan: More Than 125 Plant-Based Recipes for Indulging in the World’s Ultimate Comfort Food is one amazing book and features over 125 plant-based recipes for indulging in the world’s ultimate comfort food…cheese…VEGAN style! This book is in full color, with nice glossy pages and tons of beautiful, mouthwatering pictures. John Schlimm, the author has literally covered EVERYTHING in this book, including an entire chapter on how to make your own vegan cheese. And not just cheese sauces, but actual block cheeses.

The recipes include for making your own cheese include, Cheddar, Wine, Mozzarella, Brie, Swiss, Feta, Cottage Cheese, Cream Cheese with lots of variations, Parmesan, Ricotta, Blue, Jack, Muenster and American! From there he moves to Breakfast & Brunch, Soups & Salads, Sides, Sandwiches, Appetizers & Dips, Suppers, Cheese Cake and of course an entire chapter devoted to Mac ‘n’ Cheese meals!

With two picky children in my home, the Mac n Cheese chapter has been one  of our faves! These recipes are easy to make and are so reminiscent of their “dairy” counterparts. Do yourself a favor and pick up a copy of this book or give it as a gift to a new vegetarian/vegan friend or family member. Most people say that giving up cheese is one of the hardest things in the transition to a plant based diet, but with cookbooks like this, no one has to give up anything…you only have to switch from the “animal” version to the cruelty free, healthy plant based version! Check out his website at

Click here to buy The Cheesy Vegan now!

Author: VegFamily

VegFamily is a comprehensive resource for raising vegan children, including pregnancy, vegan recipes, expert advice, book reviews, product reviews, message board, and everyday vegan living.

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