Toy Caddy

Toy Caddy


Toy Caddies make cleaning up a lot easier and faster. Plus, it’s easier to take things with you when you out or on a trip. 

A container with a cover – a box, plastic tub, tin or can
Paint, paper, felt or contact paper
Decorations – stickers, pictures, glitter, buttons or anything else you like 

If the container has a label on it, remove it by soaking it in water overnight then peeling it off. 

If the container has lots of writing on it, cover it up. You can do this by painting it, gluing paper or felt over it, or by sticking contact paper on it. 

Decorate the container with pictures of what you’re going to put inside so you know what’s in it when the cover is on. You can use stickers, cut pictures out of magazines or just draw the pictures yourself. 

You can also write your name on the container so everyone knows it’s your stuff inside. 


Ideas for what to put in it:

  • Toy cars
  • Crayons
  • Small dolls or action figures
  • Playing cards or trading cards
  • Marbles or jacks
  • Hair accessories like ponytail holders
  • Anything that fits!

Author: VegFamily

VegFamily is a comprehensive resource for raising vegan children, including pregnancy, vegan recipes, expert advice, book reviews, product reviews, message board, and everyday vegan living.

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